Save the date! 8/12/23 Arts and Vegan Festival at 1020 Collective in Erie! Click here for vendor application!

About Us


We are two born and raised southerners who met in Rhode Island, now live in Pennsylvania, and just happen to be vegan. 

While vacationing in the Erie area in 2019 before becoming Erieites, we found it quite difficult to find vegan friendly restaurants and businesses. We were disappointed with the absence of options. When we Googled or Yelped "vegan food," the majority of hits were fast food and even steak houses! Yeah, steakhouses....that sucked! (Try it for yourself, see what you find!) Needless to say, we thought we were in veggie food hell.

Come to find out, it was just inadequate advertising from businesses with vegan options and an almost total lack of resources about vegan friendly places in Erie. Having lived in bigger cities previously, we always had local vegan related information right at our fingertips, be it social media, websites, or a physical location we could go. We were used to businesses actively promoting their vegan products and options! In Erie, however, all of this was basically non-existent. 

Lake Erie Vegan was started because of the thought, "Well if no one else will do it, I guess we will have to!" Lake Erie Vegan is designed to be your go-to vegan  resource in the Lake Erie area for residents, visitors, and passersby. It really shouldn't be as difficult as it was for us to find basic information. We are here to make sure no one else, no matter where they are in their vegan journey, can find the information they need to enjoy some good ass vegan food!